Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2025-01-22T00:17:12+00:00Open Journal Systems<p><em><strong>El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat</strong></em> is a scientific journal about community service programs and activities as part of the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. This journal is published six times a year every January, March, May, July, September and November, managed by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of the Institut Agama Islam Nasional (IAI-N) Laa Roiba Bogor. The scope of the manuscripts received includes issues of community service in the fields of: Islamic Religious Education, Education Management, Teacher and Madrasah Education, Communication and Broadcasting of Islamic Da'wah, Sharia Economics, Sharia Finance, Sharia Business, Islamic Sociology, Islamic Literacy and Culture, <strong>P-ISSN </strong><strong><a href="">2746-9794</a> E-ISSN <a href="">2747-2736. </a></strong>This journal is accredited by <strong>Sinta 6</strong> based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology <a href="">No. 0385/E5.3/KI.02.00/20221</a> (page 104) starting from Vol 1 No 1 2021 to Vol 5 No 2 2025. <span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">Elmujtama is published six times a year, every February, April, June, August, October and December. </span><strong style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Before 2024, the publication of this journal is on the website <a href=""></a></strong></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Teknologi dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam: Peluang dan Tantangan2024-10-31T22:53:25+00:00Abdul Malik Aripinmalikarifin346@gmail.comDwi<p><em>This article examines the integration of technology in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning in the digital era. This study uses a literature study method to analyze the opportunities and challenges faced in integrating technology into the PAI curriculum. The results of the study indicate that technology integration can improve the effectiveness of PAI learning, but also requires a careful approach to ensure that Islamic values are maintained.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Malik Aripin, Dwi Noviani Metode Waterfall pada Teknologi Sistem Informasi Web dalam Pelayanan Publik Pemerintah Daerah: Studi Kasus pada PTSP Kabupaten Banyuasin 2024-11-05T03:28:56+00:00Berlia Nisyahberlianisyah7@gmail.comAhmad Jibrael Algandijibrael106@gmail.comJanu SuhandaJanusuhanda44@gmail.comFenny<p><em>Digital platforms known as web-based public service information system technology encourage increased effectiveness and quality of public services. The purpose of this study on web-based public service information systems is to simplify, accelerate, and make it more transparent for the general public to access services offered by local governments. Humans use information technology to handle information and information needs from organizational procedures. The community will find it easier to carry out administrative service procedures at the village level using this system because it is developed using the Waterfall development method. According to the findings of the study, the Banyuasin government's public service procedures should be faster to manage data, ensure more accurate data, and increase worker efficiency. Communities and local governments can benefit from this research by utilizing information technology more effectively.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Berlia Nisyah, Ahmad Jibrael Algandi, Janu Suhanda, Fenny Purwani Digital Marketing untuk Meningkatkan Potensi Wisata Kampung Gambut Siantan Hilir2024-11-08T19:10:42+00:00Zhakia Putri Alia Putri<p><em>This study investigated the development of identity and promotional strategies for tourism in Kampung Gambut Siantan Hilir, aiming to enhance local tourism awareness among residents of Pontianak city. A significant challenge identified is the insufficient information and promotional efforts regarding local tourism, particularly among urban populations unaware of nearby attractions, such as “vegetable picking”, located just a few kilometers from the city center. The research employs sosial media and visual content as primary tools for disseminating information about Kampung Gambut’s attractions. Additionally, the creation of informative tour packages, visual booklets, and brochures seeks to broaden public understanding of various available tourism offerings. Methodological approaches include developing engaging content, strategically planning educational tour packages, and producing unique merchandise that reflects the village’s positive image. The involvement of local communities in promotional activities is emphasized to enhance engagement and participation. Findings indicate that targeted promotion through sosial media and visual content effectively highlights tourism potential, while merchandise plays a crucial role in positioning Kampung Gambut Siantan Hilir as an appealing educational tourism destination, ultimately fostering increased community visit and participation.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Zhakia Putri Amanda, Wendy Wendy, Carviena Alia Rosari, Nanda Novita, Astrid Oviska, Welly Putri Ningsih Teknologi untuk Pemberdayaan SDM dan Manajemen Pemasaran di Desa Kuala Mandor2024-11-10T01:01:10+00:00Charliecharlie62nusa@gmail.comPramana Septiani<p>Technology continues to experience rapid development as times progress. The utilization of technology also continues to spread to all fields and aspects of human life. The use of technology helps various aspects to develop existing opportunities. In addition, human resource management (HRM) is very important for running company or organizational activities so that everything runs well and achieves targets. To succeed in a field, the implementation and development of human resources based on technology is needed in order to create quality human resources. In the current era, technology helps businesses to carry out more efficient digital innovations. Optimizing the use of technology became our main focus when conducting KKM-PKM activities in Kuala Mandor village. This proposal suggests a series of innovative activities aimed at developing the existing potential in Kuala Mandor village. The implementation of our work program also involves the participation of Kuala Mandor villagers. The innovative steps we take are providing education and digitalizing social media accounts for SMAN 1 Kuala Mandor and Keramba Cipta Mandiri. With this innovative step, Kuala Mandor village is expected to develop into a productive village and have a positive impact on the people involved.</p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Charlie, Pramana Saputra, Audriana Septiani Lo, Duhafilianisa, Kevin Wijaya, Yusuf Kurniawan.BM. Komputer dalam Pembelajaran Berbasis Augmented Reality (AR) untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Materi IPA di SDIT Kasih Ibu2024-11-11T02:40:18+00:00Siti Nur Fikriyahst.nurfikriyah35@gmail.comAsep Supriatnaaasepstea@gmail.comSaepudin Saepudinedhungokill@gmail.comAgus Jaenalagusjaenal66@gmail.comMia Audina<p><em>In this digital era, technology has an important role in improving the quality of education. This Community Service Activity (PKM) aims to increase understanding of science material at SDIT Kasih Ibu through the use of Augmented Reality (AR) technology. The main aim of this activity is to empower teachers in using AR and increase students' interest and understanding of science material. The method used is training for teachers regarding the use of AR in learning, followed by the application of this technology in the classroom. By using AR, science material is presented interactively, allowing students to more easily understand difficult concepts. The results of the activity show that teachers can implement AR well in learning. Students become more interested, active, and understand the material better, because learning is more visual and interactive. Students' digital skills also increase, because they are invited to interact directly with technology in the learning process. The implication of this activity is the importance of integrating technology in education to improve the quality of learning and students' digital skills. This activity provides an example for other schools in utilizing technology to empower teachers and improve student learning experiences. In the future, further development is needed in the use of AR and ongoing training for teachers so that the application of technology can be more optimal in learning.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Nur Fikriyah, Asep Supriatna, Saepudin Saepudin, Agus Jaenal, Mia Audina Musyadad Sistem Pendidikan dan Gaya Hidup Menabung yang Baik serta Meningkatkan Kualitas Tempat Belajar yang Bersih, Sehat, dan Aman di Paud Al-Halim melalui Program Sosialisasi2024-11-12T05:22:16+00:00Joshua Ringgas Matondangjoshrmatondang@gmail.comTio Ruben Efraim Marta Yoel<p><em>The KKM-PKM program at PAUD Al-Halim was designed to increase awareness of saving habits and environmental cleanliness among early childhood students. The program consisted of several activities, including material presentations on the benefits of saving, hands-on cleaning of the PAUD facilities, and distributing piggy banks to motivate the children to begin saving. These efforts were aimed at not only fostering financial awareness but also at improving the quality of the educational environment by promoting cleanliness. Throughout the month-long program, it was observed that the children showed increased engagement and understanding of both saving and hygiene practices. This was evident through their active participation in cleaning activities and their growing interest in saving. Furthermore, the educators and community leaders also became more involved in reinforcing these values in the daily routines of the children. The long-term goal of this program is to instill positive financial and hygienic habits early in life, which can contribute to the children's overall development. It is expected that this initiative will lead to healthier, more disciplined individuals, ultimately benefiting their future education and personal growth.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Joshua Ringgas Matondang, Tio Ruben Efraim Pasaribu, Jane Marta Farasvania, Jonathan Elsadday, Fedrik Yoel Novastradica Waktu dalam Pengembangan Keterampilan sebagai Awal Mula Ide Bisnis bagi Adik-Adik Panti Asuhan2024-11-12T05:23:33+00:00Dewita Rana Adzelia Marfirah<p><em>The aim of this community service activity is to introduce and explore the implementation of time management in developing business skills for orphanage residents. Children in orphanages often lack adequate access to education and skills training. Through the application of structured training on effective time management, this program provides opportunities for orphanage children to develop practical skills, including entrepreneurial skills. This activity was conducted at the Catur Dharma Orphanage, Pontianak, using observation and interview methods to collect data. The results of this activity indicate that good time management positively impacts the productivity of training participants, enabling them not only to improve technical skills but also to formulate business ideas based on the skills they have learned. This community service activity recommends repetitive skill training focused on entrepreneurship and time management to enhance the independence of orphanage children, which is expected to create sustainable business opportunities for them. </em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dewita Rana Anggraini, Barkah Barkah, Rieqa Adzelia Febriandi, Syf Marfirah Wati, Naswa Riantika, Febby Febriana Pemahaman Strategi Pemasaran dan Penerapan Digital Marketing pada UMKM Dusun Mulyorejo: Studi Kasus pada Kelompok Usaha “Kinanti Snack” di Desa Limbung, Kecamatan Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya2024-11-13T05:37:32+00:00Dayang Annisa Safitriannisasafitri131203@gmail.comIlzar Aaron<p><em>Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a strategic role in Indonesia's economy, but one of the main challenges they face is the limited scale of marketing, particularly in utilizing digital technology. This Community Service Program (PKM) aims to improve the understanding and implementation of digital marketing strategies for SMEs, specifically for the business "Kinanti Snack" in Dusun Mulyorejo, which until now has relied on conventional marketing. Through this mentoring activity, participants were involved in training on how to use social media platforms, such as Instagram, to promote products more effectively. They also learned how to use applications like Canva to create engaging promotional content. Additionally, participants took part directly in the production process of various traditional snack products. This activity provided dual benefits: helping SMEs expand their market reach and increase sales through digital marketing strategies, while also offering participants new experiences in the micro-business world. With proper implementation of digital marketing, SMEs can become more competitive and adaptable to the evolving times, contributing to local economic stability and growth.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dayang Annisa Safitri, Ilzar Daud, Denzel Sudjono, Marleny Fajryn, Febtian Aaron Dinata UMKM Berbasis Digital untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Desa Bange, Kabupaten Bengkayang2024-11-13T21:13:05+00:00Ryca Mazaya Christiana Iman Kalismaria@gmail.comJeane Olivia Semetjeane@gmail.comOkki Kurniawanokki@gmail.comAngela<p><em>Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) play a crucial role in supporting regional economic growth, especially in rural areas. However, many MSMEs in Indonesia face various challenges, including limited access to wider markets, low digital literacy, and a lack of knowledge about market trends. In this KKM-PKM activity, a digital-based MSME empowerment program was implemented in Bange Village, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan, by Tanjungpura University, utilizing marketplace platforms and social media. The goal of this activity is to help local MSME expand their market reach and increase competitiveness. Additionally, this activity explores the impact of strengthening literacy in the community through the establishment of a reading corner at SDN 08 Kandasan, as well as the implementation of a posyandu (integrated health service post) program as part of efforts to improve the health of the village community. The results of this activity indicate that digitalization and community-based empowerment not only have the potential to improve the economic conditions of MSME but also bring positive impacts on the overall social welfare and health of the community.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ryca Mazaya Ramadhani, Maria Christiana Iman Kalis, Jeane Olivia Semet, Okki Kurniawan, Angela Richa Karakter Islami pada Anak Usia Dini melalui Metode Storytelling Visual di PAUD Plamboyan2024-11-18T02:52:32+00:00Devi Sulaemandevisulaeman@gmail.comAndepi Daryanapaud.garut@gmail.comEnih Hartianienihhartiani@gmail.comAbdul Fatahabdulfatahdosen@gmail.comWaryani<p><em>Islamic character education in early childhood has an important role in shaping children's morals and personality in accordance with Islamic values. This service activity aims to develop Islamic character in early childhood through the visual storytelling method at PAUD Plamboyan, West Karawang District. The method used is the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) approach, which emphasizes the use of local assets and active community participation in every stage of activities. This program includes storytelling skills training for educators, making Islamic visual props, as well as regular storytelling sessions involving children and parents. The results of the activities show an increase in understanding and internalization of Islamic values in children, such as honesty, discipline and caring, which is reflected in changes in their daily behavior. Apart from that, a new institution was formed in the community, namely a commitment from the school and parents to continue the storytelling method independently. The implication of this activity is increasing community awareness of the importance of collaborative Islamic character education between schools and families. The participation of educators as local leaders in this program also strengthens the sustainability and future development of the program. It is hoped that this activity can become a model for other institutions in implementing Islamic character education through innovative and participatory methods.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Devi Sulaeman, Andepi Daryana, Enih Hartiani, Abdul Fatah, Waryani Waryani Literasi Keuangan Desa: Peran Akademisi dalam Edukasi Teknologi Finansial dan Investasi2024-11-19T20:51:08+00:00Hansen Deny<p><em>The low financial literacy in Penyeladi Village, Kapuas District, Sanggau Regency, has become a major barrier to effective financial management, especially in utilizing modern financial technology (fintech) and understanding investments. Most of the population, who work as farmers and small business owners, have not fully utilized financial technology, resulting in inefficient financial management and increased vulnerability to digital fraud. This community service program aims to enhance the understanding of financial management and investments through education and training tailored to local needs. The methods used include financial technology socialization, a workshop on creating Shopee Pay accounts, and investment management education for elementary school students and their parents. The results show an improvement in participants' knowledge in separating personal and business finances, as well as the ability to use fintech applications effectively and safely. This initiative is expected to have a positive impact on the community's economic stability, reduce fraud risks, and increase participation in the digital economy, supporting the village's future economic growth.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hansen Hansen, Mazayatul Mufrihah, Fransiskus Deny Hendri, Yoga Prangestu, Ericko Ericko Strategi Pemasaran Berbasis Utilitarian Value dan Digital Marketing di Kampung Gambut Siantan Hilir2024-11-19T20:52:32+00:00Cindy Merlinda Laurencia<p><em>Marketing strategy is an aspect that must be owned so that every business, both MSME products and agricultural products, can be optimized. Educational factors and suboptimal application of technology are obstacles that cause a lack of understanding of effective marketing strategies. This article aims to explain how optimizing marketing strategies based on utilitarian value and digital marketing can help UMKM and farmers in Kampung Gambut Siantan Hilir improve the competitiveness of their products, create stronger relationships with consumers, and encourage sustainable local economic growth. Through problem solving methods and data collection techniques through interviews, observations, and documentation studies, the implementation of the PKM program runs smoothly. Kampung Gambut community participation also plays an important role in driving the success of the PKM activities. The result of this activity is to ensure the community's understanding of the importance of optimizing marketing strategies based on utilitarian value and digital marketing. By emphasizing these aspects, UMKM products and agricultural products become more competitive in the market. With the right digital marketing strategy, local products in the Kampung Gambut Siantan Hilir can reach a wider range of consumers, which cannot be reached through traditional marketing methods.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Cindy Theodora, Wendy Wendy, Meisa Meisa, Mita Mita, Nurul Aini, Sherlla Merlinda Laurencia Mandjar UMKM Hasil Pertanian Nanas melalui e-Commerce di Era Digitalisasi Dusun Bukit Asam Desa Antibar2024-11-20T21:59:29+00:00Nafisiyanda Abhellia Monia Sutan<p><em>The Bukit Asam Hamlet area has great potential in the agricultural sector, especially pineapple. In this hamlet, the community has processed their agricultural products into pineapple dodol which is in demand, especially during holidays. However, UMKM actors here still experience obstacles in marketing their products. In the midst of rapid digitalization, farmers should be able to take advantage of e-commerce as an opportunity to reach a wider market, both nationally and internationally. Unfortunately, the Bukit Asam Hamlet community still does not understand how to utilize this technology. This community service aims to expand the reach and services of UMKM actors with marketing training through e-commerce. The methods used in this article are observation, interview, and documentation methods. The method is carried out directly which we have done and provided marketing training through e-commerce. By utilizing e-commerce, they can market products more effectively, and reach consumers more widely, as well as increase profitability and business sustainability. The results of the study in this article show that the integration of e-commerce in the agricultural sector provides great potential in increasing efficiency and profitability and expanding the reach of target markets in product marketing.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nafisiyanda Nafisiyanda, Titik Rosnani, Fitri Abhellia Ananda, Vriska Monia Sari, Riska Audina, Defran Sutan Agfar Manajemen Ramah Lingkungan di Desa Pasir Panjang melalui Sosialisasi Eco-Enzyme dari Sampah Organik2024-11-21T21:54:38+00:00Meisy<p><em>Improper management of organic waste can cause various environmental problems. This community service activity aims to raise awareness and skills among the residents of Pasir Panjang Village, Mempawah Timur District, Mempawah Regency in managing organic waste into eco-enzyme. The method used is socialization and training in Eco-Enzyme production for local PKK mothers. This activity is carried out through the delivery of materials and direct practice in making Eco-Enzyme. The results of the activity show an increase in participants' understanding of the benefits of household organic waste. Participants also acquire skills in processing organic waste such as fruit peels and vegetable scraps into useful and economically valuable. This activity is expected to encourage the implementation of more environmentally friendly management in Pasir Panjang Village through the use of Eco-Enzymes. </em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Meisy Meisy, Titik Rosani, Herni Yunita, Mel Liani, Santa Meiliana, Yohana Gloria Kewirausahaan sebagai Pengembangan Ekonomi Desa Pulau Tayan pada Kelompok Ibu PKK2024-11-25T04:19:53+00:00Diah Febriyani Febriyanidiahfebriyani6@gmail.comRizani Ramadhanrizaniramadhan@gmail.comAskia Fitri Amandaamandaaskia07@gmail.comRiris Arsitaririsarsita26@gmail.comVeron Nika Nonongveronikanonong93@gmail.comTrillia<p><em>Women's empowerment through entrepreneurship is key to achieving broader community welfare. This community service article aims to describe the implementation of the entrepreneurship knowledge and skills development program for mother of the family welfare movement in Tayan Island Village. Through this program, it is expected to increase the capacity of mother of the family welfare movement in creating sustainable creative businesses, thus ultimately contributing to village economic growth and community welfare. The activities carried out include site visits, coordination with the chairperson of mother of the family welfare movement, debriefing for service members, socialization of entrepreneurial strategies, as well as question and answer sessions and experience sharing. The results of the activities showed an increase in participants' motivation and knowledge about entrepreneurship, as well as an understanding of business management strategies and online marketing. This activity is expected to strengthen the role of mother of the family welfare movement in family and community welfare, and advance the local economy in Tayan Island Village.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Diah Febriyani Febriyani, Rizani Ramadhan, Askia Fitri Amanda, Riris Arsita, Veron Nika Nonong, Trillia Paula Perpustakaan Umum Bahagia Mendawai melalui Kegiatan Kreatif dan Pengelolaan Perpustakaan Berbasis Digital2024-11-25T04:25:34+00:00Muhammad Fakhri Putri Tauris Miranda Dewi Fortuna Ernanda Dwi<p><em>The community service activity is based on the problem of a lack of creative activities and understanding of current technology in the 4.0 era. Observations and interviews with the Chair of the Perpustakaan Bahagia Mendawai, revealed that many children living on the coast of the Sungai Kapuas, particularly in Kampung Caping, have minimal understanding of technology. Despite the library having facilities such as four computers, but there are no teachers who have free time to teach the children in the village. To address this, nine work programs will be implemented to enhance children's abilities in using digital technology and educational approaches through creative activities. These programs include Beads Workshop, Microsoft Word Training, Design Training via Canva, Education on Saving and Practicing Making Piggy Banks, Daily Schedule Making Training, Collage Crafts, DIY Used Bottles, Social Media Management, and Bahagia Mendawai Library Administration Management. The goal is to transform children who have never used a computer into proficient users, especially in Microsoft Word. The use of computers in learning activities plays a crucial role in increasing literacy by requiring children to read books before taking typing training and then accessing information more widely. This helps develop the reading and writing skills needed in the current 4.0 era. The aim is to contribute positively to creating a young generation skilled in technology use, fostering creativity, and promoting strong literacy from an early age.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Fakhri Nurrahim, Ahmad Shalahuddin, Akira Putri Pualam, Alifa Tauris Miranda Bella, Valinka Dewi Fortuna Irawan, Ahmad Ernanda Dwi Saputra Daya Saing UMKM dengan Strategi Branding melalui Digital Marketing dan Desain Visual: Implementasi Program KKM-PKM2024-11-25T04:18:11+00:00Dea Avilla<p><em>Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) in Indonesia, particularly in Pulau Tayan Barat Village, face challenges in competing in an increasingly competitive market, especially related to branding and marketing. Many UMKM in the village still rely on traditional promotion methods such as banners, which have limited reach, and lack knowledge in using digital media as a more effective promotional tool. This article aims to help UMKM enhance their competitiveness by optimizing branding through training and mentoring in utilizing digital marketing and visual design. The method used involves training on branding concepts, designing attractive banners, and using social media for promotion. The results of this activity show that UMKM actors in Pulau Tayan Barat Village are becoming more aware of the importance of strong branding in building business image and are gaining skills in managing digital media and brand visualization. In conclusion, the synergy between using banners and social media can help increase the visibility of UMKM, where social media offers a wider market reach, while banners remain important for attracting local attention if designed and placed properly. </em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dea Avilla Putri, Rizani Ramadhan, Ratu Anjelani, Lidiya Lidiya, Syarini Syarini, Putri Lastri Transformasi Digital dan Pemberdayaan Kewirausahaan pada Anak Binaan Panti Asuhan Nur Ilahi Pontianak2024-11-25T04:16:40+00:00Fadhilla Anindita Inayah Davin Novianti<p><em>This program aims to empower assisted children who face challenges in entrepreneurship skills and digital literacy, by providing entrepreneurship training, digital marketing, handicraft skills, and digitalization of data administration to increase management efficiency. Implementation methods include structured practical skills training, continuing education through an entrepreneurial approach, as well as activities to increase awareness of gender equality through discussions and anti-discrimination campaigns. Consultations with orphanage management were also carried out to understand existing obstacles and identify needs in data management for assisted children, which were then implemented in the form of data digitization. Results from the program showed significant improvements in entrepreneurial skills, digital marketing abilities, and children's understanding of the importance of gender equality. In addition, this program succeeded in changing the data management system from manual to digital, speeding up the recording process, and increasing data security. Recommendations for development programs include the implementation of more interactive learning methods, such as group discussions that allow more direct involvement, as well as advanced entrepreneurship training that focuses on small business management, so that children are able to develop deeper and more sustainable business skills in the future.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fadhilla Anindita Hapsari, Juniwati Juniwati, Nayla Inayah Marwan, Reyhan Davin Ardhionova, Alya Badariah, Fitri Novianti Suryanita Jiwa Entrepreneurship Sejak Usia Dini pada Anak-Anak Panti Asuhan Muhammadiyah Tunas Melati melalui Simulasi UMKM2024-11-25T06:07:27+00:00Rati Nur<p><em>In this era of globalization, economic development is becoming stronger and making progress. Therefore, it is important to introduce the concept of entrepreneurship from an early age, because children at that time will easily absorb everything they see and are taught, so it can be instilled and firmly embedded in themselves and their minds. The education received by children from an early age plays a very important role in building character and shaping mentality. SME simulation is an activity that integrates the dynamics and challenges of entrepreneurship from the real world into the classroom learning process, with an approach that is easier to understand and engaging. The purpose of this Community Service (PKM) activity is to instill an entrepreneurial spirit in the children of the Muhammadiyah Tunas Melati orphanage from an early age and to serve as a foundational reference for entrepreneurship for them in starting a business. The method of implementing this PKM is to provide materials and skills through lectures, simulations, and practices arranged in the UMKM Simulation activities.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rati Anggrayni, Alya Maharani, Syahrina Putri, Najla Nur Fariha Bak Sampah sebagai Solusi Berkelanjutan Mengurangi Sampah di Dusun Jeruk Desa Rengas Kapuas 2024-11-25T04:22:20+00:00Muhammad Rana Surya Bahana<p><em>This community service initiative is based on an awareness of the environment in Jeruk Hamlet, Rengas Village, Kapuas. Environmental preservation, especially maintaining cleanliness, is crucial for both the hygiene and health of the surroundings. In Jeruk Hamlet, there is a small canal/river that is still used by the local community for daily activities. They use the river water for gardening and personal hygiene. This makes environmental preservation even more important to ensure a clean and healthy environment. The development of trash bins is proposed as a solution because, in certain public areas within Jeruk Hamlet, there are still no trash bins available, such as in mosques, schools, and Islamic boarding schools. These trash bins are then placed in several strategic locations, where people often gather at certain times. The purpose of installing these bins is to encourage local residents to be more environmentally conscious, particularly to prevent waste disposal into the river. The outcome of this initiative is expected to preserve the surrounding environment and raise community awareness about waste management and environmental preservation. The conclusion of this article is hoped to provide a positive contribution to environmental awareness and its impact.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Rana Indriansyah, Risky Fauzan, Wahyu Surya Hadinata, Cakrawala Bahana Satria, Maidir Sutino Branding serta Promosi bagi UMKM Desa Lesabela Kabupaten Bengkayang2024-11-25T21:10:54+00:00James Hasiando Christiana Iman Nanda Anugrah Roland<p><em>This Community Service activity aims to enhance the understanding of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Desa Lesabela, Kecamatan Ledo, Kabupaten Bengkayang, West Kalimantan, regarding branding and promotion. The program involved educational sessions and training through lectures, discussions, and simulations to help participants grasp strategies for building brand identity and increasing product value through effective promotion. The results indicate that MSMEs still require further assistance in optimizing the use of digital technology for promotion. This initiative is expected to support MSMEs in improving their competitiveness and contributing more significantly to the local and national economy.</em></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman pelaku Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) tentang branding dan promosi di Desa Lesabela, Kecamatan Ledo, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat. Kegiatan ini melibatkan penyuluhan dan pelatihan melalui ceramah, diskusi, dan simulasi untuk membantu peserta memahami strategi membangun identitas merek dan meningkatkan nilai jual produk melalui promosi yang efektif. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pelaku UMKM masih memerlukan pendampingan lebih lanjut untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan teknologi digital dalam promosi. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat mendorong UMKM dalam meningkatkan daya saing dan berkontribusi lebih besar pada perekonomian lokal dan nasional.</p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 James Hasiando Hutagalung, Maria Christiana Iman Kalis, Kholis Irfandi, Tri Nanda Anugrah Hutasoit, Bio Roland Chrisopras Masyarakat Desa Sari Makmur secara Berkelanjutan melalui Pengembangan Keterampilan dan Inovasi UMKM 2024-11-25T21:12:49+00:00Liani Irfani Cahya Ananda Anjelika<p><em>Independence of the nation's economy is relying on empowerment of the rural economy based on its potential. This empowerment is crucial for fostering sustainable growth, as rural areas often hold untapped resources and opportunities for development that can lead to overall economic stability. However, some rural areas including Sari Makmur Village might face some challenges that hinder their progress. Limited access to education, inadequate infrastructure, and insufficient investment in local businesses creates some barriers that could prevent Sari Makmur Village from reaching its full potential. Addressing these issues by improving education through interactive methods, job preparation workshop, financial literacy until MSMEs empowerment allows Sari Makmur Village to contribute meaningfully to the national economy. </em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Liani Liani, M. Irfani Hendri, Dahlia Dahlia, Intan Cahya Ananda Ananda, Alensia Anjelika Vera, Natalia Natalia Produk Pembiayaan Mudharabah untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Keuangan Syariah pada Masyarakat di Desa Mlarak Kabupaten Ponorogo2024-11-25T21:14:03+00:00Moh. Ihsan Fauziihsanfauzi27@gmail.comMuhamad Afif Ulin Nuhaaunuhaa6@gmail.comYuro Bintang<p><em>BMT has an important role in helping the needs of the community related to access to capital in business activities with mudharabah financing products. However, the lack of public knowledge and understanding of Islamic finance causes public interest in accessing capital through BMT is still minimal. Especially with the assumption of the public that BMT is the same as other conventional financial institutions. This research aims to provide understanding and knowledge related to mudharabah financing products to the people of Mlarak Village, Ponorogo Regency, especially people who have UMKM. The method used in the socialization of mudharabah financing products is a lecture by delivering explanations related to mudharabah financing products and questions and answers or discussions related to access to capital needed by the community. The results of this study show that the public increasingly knows and understands the advantages of mudharabah financing products in providing access to capital to the community and shows interest in accessing mudharabah financing products at BMT for capital needs in their business activities.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Moh. Ihsan Fauzi, Muhamad Afif Ulin Nuhaa, Yuro Bintang Firmansyah Kadar Flavonoid Ekstrak Daun Kalapapa (Vitex Pinnata L.) dengan Tingkatan Fraksi2024-11-25T21:14:57+00:00Michael Eliesermichaelelieser4@gmail.comRohama Rohamaapt.rohama@gmail.comTuti Alawiyahapttutialawiyah@gmail.comAli Rakhman<p><em>The background to this research is that one of the plants that is often used by people in the interior of Central Kalimantan, specifically in the village of Tumbang Talaken, is the Kalapapa plant. The Dayak tribe community in the Tumbang Talaken area of Central Kalimantan uses Kalapapa leaves as a trusted medicinal plant and is used as a traditional medicine to heal wounds using the simple method of crushing the leaves and applying them directly to the surface of the injured skin. Kalapapa leaves contain flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins and tannins. In the context of wound healing, flavonoids have an important role in increasing the speed of wound healing. The aim of the research was to determine the levels of total flavonoid compounds in the distilled water fraction, ethyl acetate fraction, and n-hexane fraction of kalapapa leaf extract (Vitex Pinnata L.). The research method used was a descriptive method by looking at the results of qualitative data, namely a reaction test. color and quantitative data, namely using Uv-Vis spectrophotometry to see total flavonoid levels. The results of the qualitative analysis research showed that the color test identification of kalapapa leaf extract (Vitex Pinnata L.) was positive for containing flavonoids. The results of quantitative analysis using Uv-Vis spectrophotometry showed that the total flavonoid content with 96% ethanol extract was 43.95 QE/g, distilled water with a value of 42.14 QE/g, ethyl acetate with a value of 196.8 QE/g, and n -hexane with a value of 54.42 QE/g or 96% 4.39% ethanol extract, distilled water 4.21%, ethyl acetate 19.68%, and N-hexane 5.44%. The highest total flavonoid levels were found in the ethyl acetate fraction. The research conclusion is that kalapapa leaf extract at fraction levels contains flavonoid compounds with total flavonoid levels in the ethanol extract of 96%, distilled water fraction, ethyl acetate fraction and n-hexane fraction of 43.95 mg QE/g or 4.39%; 42.14 mg QE/g or 4.21%; 196.8 mg QE/g or 19.68%; and 54.42 mg QE/g or 5.44%.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Michael Elieser, Rohama Rohama, Tuti Alawiyah, Ali Rakhman Hakim Budaya Hukum dalam Eksekusi Jaminan Fidusia Berdasarkan Putusan MK No.18/PUU-XVII/2019 terhadap Debitur dan Kreditur2024-11-25T21:17:11+00:00Idaman Jaya Mendrofajayamendrofa05@gmail.comSaddan Sitorussnwpress2@gmail.comMeigel Rio Marselinomeigellombo@gmail.comElsi Karika<p><em>This examination aims to analyze the impact of changes in the legal culture regarding the execution of fiduciary security based on Constitutional Court Decision No. 18/PUU-XVII/2019. This decision brings significant reforms to the mechanism for executing fiduciary security by requiring the involvement of a court decision or the debtor a court decision before the execution process is carried out, ensuring a balance of legal protection between creditors and debtors. Prior to this decision, the execution of fiduciary security was commonly conducted unilaterally by the creditor, often leading to injustice for the debtor and creating an imbalance in the legal relationship between the partie. This examination employs a normative juridical approach to explore the impact of these legal provisions on the existing legal substance, culture and structure. The findings reveal a shift from a creditor-favorable approach to one that provides more equal protection for both parties, namely creditors and debtors. This change reflects efforts to enhance substantive justice in Indonesia's fiduciary system, emphasizing principles of fairness, transparency, and safeguarding the rights of all concerned parties. Furthermore, this study highlights the contribution of this decision in shaping a more adaptive and responsive legal system to meet the need for legal protection for all stakeholders in fiduciary transactions.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Idaman Jaya Mendrofa, Saddan Sitorus, Meigel Rio Marselino, Elsi Karika Sari Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) Produk Olahan di Desa Antibar dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Lokal Implementasi Model Bisnis Berkelanjutan untuk Produk Olahan Hasil Alam di Desa Antibar: Studi Kasus Dusun Permai2024-11-25T23:13:55+00:00Wisnu Pratama Putri Ukti<p><em>This community service activity is based on the problem of the lack of public knowledge regarding the processing and marketing of new products from abundant natural resources in their area and the lack of public knowledge for business development in the current era. Product processing and marketing is one of the activities that plays an important role in the development of the natural resource-based economic sector. With good processing and effective marketing strategies, natural products can compete in domestic and international markets, while improving the welfare of farmers and natural resource managers. This activity aims to increase public awareness that abundant natural products have high value if they are processed first into new products and provide an effective way to market their products in order to increase sales. The approach methods applied are socialization, training in making processed products from natural products, and assistance in marketing digital-based products. The results of this activity are expected to increase public awareness to process natural products into new products and can increase new product processing entrepreneurs from natural products, as well as increase public understanding in marketing more modern products to increase sales.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Wisnu Prasetyo, Dody Pratama Marumpe, Blessita Putri Fitonia, Nadia Ukti Syari, Desi Rahmaniar, Een Aprija Media Sosial dan E-commerce: Resep Sukses Memasarkan Produk Olahan Pertanian2024-11-25T23:15:11+00:00Reinaldo Dede Pratama<p><em>Mekar Jaya Hamlet, located in Antibar Village, Mempawah Regency, West Kalimantan, Mekar Jaya Hamlet, Antibar Village, Mempawah Regency, West Kalimantan, has great potential as one of the largest pineapple producers in Indonesia, but has not been optimally utilized. This service aims to increase community income through diversification of pineapple products into value-added MSME products, such as pineapple jelly candy. The method used is education and training, with PKK women as facilitators in delivering materials to farmers. The training included how to process pineapple into jelly candy and the utilization of social media (Shopee, Facebook, Instagram) for product marketing. The results of this service are the creation of market-ready pineapple jelly candy MSME products, along with the creation of social media accounts for promotion. Some marketing content was also successfully developed to introduce the product to a wider market. In conclusion, this program increases the added value of pineapple as a local product and provides education on the use of digital technology for marketing, so it is expected to improve the welfare of the local community. succeeded in increasing the added value of pineapple as a local MSME product and providing education to the community in utilizing digital technology for marketing, so that it is expected to improve the economic welfare of the local community.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Reinaldo Dede Putra, Dody Pratama Marumpe, Aldy Aldy, Yohanes Visto, Ahmad Fathoni UMKM pada Era Digital Wilayah Perbatasan di Desa Suka Maju Kabupaten Bengkayang2024-11-26T21:12:14+00:00Teguh Hutajuluteguhkuta561@gmail.comYulyanti Santa Monikasherllystmonika@gmail.comTiabela Tiabelatiabella888999@gmail.comVelisia Velisiavelisia.chin@gmail.comNatalia Putri<p><em>The purpose of empowering MSMEs is to increase awareness of digitalization and find out how Ruspendi MSMEs are adapting to the increasingly growing era of digitalization. This article focuses on efforts to empower Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) through digitalization in the business environment. This research was conducted in Semidang Hamlet, Suka Maju Village, Sungai Betung District, Bengkayang Regency. This article uses a qualitative research approach with a case study method for Ruspendi MSMEs. Based on the results of the discussions that have been carried out, it shows that Ruspendi MSMEs are starting to realize the importance of digitalization. Apart from that, it was found that several digitalization strategies had been implemented by Ruspendi MSMEs, such as using Facebook as a marketing medium and using Google Maps to increase operational efficiency.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Teguh Hutajulu, Yulyanti Fahruna, Sherlly Santa Monika, Tiabela Tiabela, Velisia Velisia, Natalia Putri Sitohang Masyarakat Desa Masbangun melalui Pendidikan, Kesehatan, Digitalisasi, dan Inovasi2024-11-26T23:33:33+00:00Afani<p><em>This community service focuses on empowering the community of Masbangun Village, Teluk Batang District, North Kayong Regency, through education, health, digitalization, and innovation. The main problems faced by this village include the lack of English education for elementary school children, the tendency of minors to use gadgets excessively to play games, the lack of an inventory system in the village office, and inadequate health access. To overcome the problem, several programs have been implemented, including English language guidance for elementary school children, socialization of Clean and Healthy Living Behaviors (PHBS), socialization of the negative impact of the use of gadgets as well as training in parental control features, joint healthy gymnastics, creation of an inventory system for goods with village equipment, and training on innovation in making dishwashing soap from concentrates. The results of the program show an improvement in English understanding, although further guidance is still needed for the implementation of PHBS. The healthy gymnastics program and dishwashing soap innovation received a positive response from the public. It is hoped that this program can provide a sustainable impact on the welfare and independence of the Masbangun Village community.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afani Afani, Ana Fitriana, Nadia Akhasha, Rista Maharani Strategi Promosi Efektif secara Online untuk Niaga dan Pariwisata2024-11-26T23:34:52+00:00Akhwal<p><em>Digital changes in marketing have created new opportunities for local businesses in villages to reach a wider market. Digital marketing is not only a promotional tool but also an effective strategy to increase the competitiveness of local products in the era of globalization. This research aims to increase the promotion of local products and village tourism by utilizing digital marketing, especially through social media. The method used is a qualitative participatory approach, where village communities are involved in training in content creation and social media account management. The research results show that the implementation of digital marketing strategies has succeeded in increasing public awareness of local products and village tourism, which is reflected in increased sales and tourist visits. This research also emphasizes the importance of branding through product labels to maintain consumer image and trust and increase consumer attraction to local products. Thus, this digital marketing strategy not only contributes to increasing sales and tourist visits, but also plays a role in supporting village economic growth.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Akhwal Fathurrahman; Ana Fitriana; Risa Ramadhianti, Karis Rivaldo, Marsa Septiarni, Fakhri Rizal Jiwa Kewirausahaan melalui Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Kewirausahaan bagi Anak-anak Panti Asuhan ‘Aisyiyah Nur Fauzi2024-11-26T21:10:08+00:00Khadijah Nurul Sal Rizky Ananda<p><em>This community service activity is motivated by a problem, specifically the lack of entrepreneurial experience in orphanage children. Entrepreneurial activity is an important factor in improving community welfare. In accordance with the vision and mission of ‘Aisyiyah Nur Fauzi Orphanage, which is to train orphanage children to become independent, this entrepreneurial service activity is in line with the vision and mission. But in reality, the experience of orphanage children in entrepreneurship is very limited due to the lack of facilities owned. The implementation of this series of activities using lecture and practice methods. This service activity involves orphanage children through training and mentoring in entrepreneurial activities, starting from introducing entrepreneurship, practicing making business products for accessories and spring rolls, designing posters and logos, promotion, determining capital and setting price, selling and marketing the products they made to consumers. The results of this service activity provide new knowledge and experience in entrepreneurship for orphanage children so that they gain new experiences regarding entrepreneurial training. This service is expected to have a positive impact in an effort to create a young generation that has entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, and can make a creative and innovative person to face obstacles in the future.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Khadijah Nurul Aini, Mustaruddin Saleh, Devita Agustina, Gabriella Natalie, Aulia Sal Sabila, Gita Rizky Ananda Putri Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan Melalui Pemasaran Digital serta Manajemen Lingkungan Sehat di Desa Sungai Amanda Putrisintaamandaputri74@gmail.comNurul Fadillahnurulfadillah3103@gmail.comElika<p><em>Economic empowerment of residents in Sungai Raya Village is focused on business development through digital marketing and healthy environmental management. This activity was carried out by Tanjungpura University students through Student Work Lectures (KKM). Through digital-based entrepreneurial economic empowerment, people receive training to develop businesses by utilizing online marketing technology. The result of this activity is to provide an understanding of entrepreneurship and provide a broader contribution to society. Apart from that, an entrepreneurship workshop was also held for students at SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Raya. In this workshop, students receive training on the basics of entrepreneurship. This activity aims to foster an entrepreneurial spirit among students so that they are ready to face challenges in the business world. This program also includes education about the importance of maintaining a clean environment and good waste management. The community is taught to sort organic and non-organic waste, by providing appropriate trash bins to create a clean and healthy environment. With this approach, Sungai Raya Village is expected to become an example for other villages in integrating digital technology and environmental sustainability for shared prosperity.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Stefani, Heriyadi, Sinta Amanda Putri, Nurul Fadillah, Elika Rani Keuangan melalui Program Sosialisasi di Desa Parit Keladi2024-11-26T23:39:42+00:00Rifky Syahputra<p><em>Financial education programs, particularly those focusing on the importance of saving from an early age, have become one of the flagship initiatives in the Student Community Service (KKM) activities in Parit Keladi Village. These programs, particularly focusing simple financial management concepts. The outreach is conducted through interactive methods that involve educational games and the provision of rewards to enhance interest and participation. The results of this program demonstrate an increased awareness among children regarding the importance of saving, as well as their ability to distinguish between needs and wants. This article further discusses the significance of saving from a young age and how this program has been implemented within the context of the Parit Keladi community.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rifky Syahputra Yulianto, Arman Jaya, Afra Basima, Chita Verizki, Visi Lovianda Membangun Personal Branding dan Kepercayaan Diri pada Siswa SMP Negeri 2 Mempawah Timur2024-11-26T23:42:10+00:00Rizki Tareq Marsha Almira Nabilah<p><em>Personal branding is the process of shaping public perception of an individual's personality, abilities, or values to create a positive societal perception. It emphasizes the importance of managing one's self-image to compete in various aspects of life. This training program is designed for students of SMP Negeri 2 Mempawah Timur and includes training sessions and simulations. The goal of the training is to help students understand personal branding and develop self-confidence. In one of the simulation activities, students are required to present themselves in front of the class and explain how they would showcase their talents and potential to create their personal brand. The program aims to help middle school students adapt and implement self-confidence as a form of personal branding to support their personal, educational, and professional success. Through the training and simulations, students gain practical knowledge and skills that raise their awareness of the importance of self-development from an early age. Overall, this training plays a crucial role in preparing students to become excellent and qualified human resources, supporting them to compete in the educational and career realms, and contributing to achieving the vision for Indonesia Emas 2045.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rizki Fitriandy, Wenny Pebrianti, Muhammad Tareq Akbar, Andrea Marsha Almira , Sitti Nabilah Annisa Digital Marketing dan e-Commerce pada Siswa SMP-SMA Adi Sucipto di Desa Teluk Kapuas2024-11-29T00:13:32+00:00Gavin Satria Pangestugavinpangestu17@gmail.comDeodatus Atadiusdeofgh12@gmail.comDharma Dharmadayrluv@gmail.comTegar Surya Akbartsuryaakbar@gmail.comMohammad Fonsitama Adilokadiotama691@gmail.comSulistiowati<p><em>Teluk Kapuas Village faces economic and environmental challenges, with the MSME sector still not developing and the low quality of the products produced. One of the main problems is students' lack of knowledge about digital marketing and e-commerce, which can support the development of MSMEs. The socialization program designed aims to provide education to students regarding digital marketing and e-commerce. It is hoped that this program will improve the skills of the younger generation in digital technology so that they can contribute to increasing the quality and quantity of MSMEs in villages. Through this program, students gain a better understanding of digital marketing strategies, the use of e-commerce platforms, as well as the importance of an online presence in business. Program results show increased student understanding of the topic, which is expected to support local economic growth. is expected to support local economic growth.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Gavin Satria Pangestu, Deodatus Atadius, Dharma Dharma, Tegar Surya Akbar, Mohammad Fonsitama Adiloka, Sulistiowati Sulistiowati Penggunaan Media Sosial dalam Tujuan Peningkatan Engagement serta Digitalisasi Komunitas Desa Sungai Rengas Kecamatan Sungai Kakap Kabupaten Kubu Raya2024-11-29T00:12:17+00:00Videlia Adelinadelinvidelia67@gmail.comAnisa Madinahtul Hudjahmadinahtulanisa@gmail.comAndi Putri<p><em>Villages are ideal communal milestones for social community standards. Explore the potential of social media to increase community engagement and encourage the digitalization of rural areas. As global connectivity continues to increase, social media has become an indispensable tool for communication and development even in the most remote areas. This research investigates how social media can empower the people of Sungai Rengas Village, Sungai Kakap District, Kubu Raya Regency to increase social cohesion, economic growth, and access to important services. This research also discusses digital literacy and infrastructure challenges facing rural areas and suggests strategies to overcome these barriers to fully realize the benefits of social media. The foundation of this research draws on key theories of digital transformation and community engagement to provide a framework for future community service initiatives.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Videlia Adelin, Anisa Madinahtul Hudjah, Andi Putri Ahira Pengembangan Model Rujukan dengan Menggunakan Sisrute di Puskesmas Pangkoh2024-11-29T00:11:12+00:00Elena Silvia Taraelenasilviat@gmail.comPurwadhi<p><em>This study aims to develop a referral model strategy to enhance the effectiveness of the referral system at Pangkoh Community Health Center (Puskesmas) using the SISRUTE application. The research employs a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews and observations with 10 key informants, including various professionals at the Puskesmas and the Health Department. The analysis focuses on the stages of SISRUTE usage, human resource (HR) competency, infrastructure and technology, monitoring and evaluation, referral system effectiveness, and government policies and support. The findings indicate that the implementation of SISRUTE has improved the efficiency of the referral process, though challenges related to infrastructure limitations and HR competency remain. Future development of the referral system emphasizes enhancing HR training, strengthening technological infrastructure, and ensuring sustainable policy support. This strategy is expected to improve the quality of healthcare services, increase accessibility, and expedite the referral process, thereby supporting the achievement of public health goals in the Pangkoh Puskesmas service area.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Elena Silvia Tara, Purwadhi Purwadhi, Dasrun Hidayat Sistem dan Kebijakan Israel dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam Arab-Muslim2024-12-02T10:23:37+00:00Abdul Malik Aripinmalikarifin346@gmail.comKomarudin<p><em>This article analyzes Israel's education system and policies in the context of Arab-Muslim Islamic education. This research examines how the Israel’s education system and policies influence the development of Islamic education for the Arab-Muslim community and examines the impact of the education system on identity, values and understanding of religion in the Arab-Muslim community in the state of Israel. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive method through analysis of various literary sources and research reports as well as accredited national and international journals, especially those published in the period 2019 to 2024. The results show the need for dialogue and integrative collaboration between various stakeholders in minimizing inequality in policies in the four existing structures and types of schools fairly and wisely. With an inclusive approach, cross-group collaboration, and fair and wise government policies, it is possible that the existence of Arab-Muslim Islamic education has the potential to strengthen social tolerance and the development of Israel's glorious civilization.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Malik Aripin, Komarudin Sassi Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat terhadap Bahaya dan Dampak Illegal Fishing melalui Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat di Desa Rempanga, Kutai Kartanegara2024-12-02T10:24:40+00:00Lily Lorenzo Stefano Murwanijlorenjo1@gmail.comZaenal Abidinzainalnomer03@gmail.comAfizah Nur Afkarinaafkarinaafi@gmail.comMahogra Indrastamamahograindrastama2003@gmail.comTaufik Heriyantotaufik.heriyanto1005@gmail.comFauzi Kurahmanfauzikurahman513@gmail.comAl-Kirana Rizqiani Iswadiarizqianiiswadi@gmail.comMuhammad Bisri Affandibisriaffandi15@gmail.comMuhammad Raja Mulia Darmawan Kasaurajamulia8303@gmail.comAditia Ferdi<p><em>Illegal fishing poses a serious threat to aquatic ecosystems and community welfare. This research aims to increase awareness and understanding of the dangers and impacts of illegal fishing among the community of Rempanga Village, Loa Kulu District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan through a Community Service Program (PKM). The methods used include observation, questionnaire distribution, socialization, and environmental empowerment programs as follow-up actions. The results show that although the community is generally aware of illegal fishing practices, they experience difficulties in reporting such incidents. The socialization provided successfully increased participants' understanding of the dangers and impacts of illegal fishing practices, types of prohibited fishing gear (API), and reporting procedures. The Lestari Rempanga program, which involves tree seedling planting and fish seed distribution (restocking), successfully combined environmental conservation efforts with strengthening the community's spirit of mutual cooperation. In conclusion, this PKM activity made a positive contribution to raising community awareness and encouraging active participation in preserving river ecosystems, as well as supporting Rempanga Village's vision as a sustainable Minapolitan Village.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Lily Triyana, Jeremia Lorenzo Stefano Murwani, Zaenal Abidin, Afizah Nur Afkarina, Mahogra Indrastama, Taufik Heriyanto, Fauzi Kurahman, Al-Kirana Rizqiani Iswadi, Muhammad Bisri Affandi, Muhammad Raja Mulia Darmawan Kasau, Aditia Ferdi Tombuku Pendidikan dalam Hadis2024-12-08T00:32:39+00:00Deni Farizal<p><em>Education is the most important element for humans to increase their level of faith in Allah SWT. Humans, if they understand more about the basics of Islamic education, they will know and understand more. the creation of a faithful servant. Educational goals will determine the direction in which students will be taken. The aim of Islamic education in general is to foster human awareness as creatures of Allah SWT. so that they grow and develop into human beings who have noble character and worship Him. With a solid and strong foundation, of course in the end you will be able to realize maximum educational goals, which is to create a quality human figure in accordance with Islamic teachings which are guided by the Al-Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet SAW. The research used in this study is a type of research examining books. Reviewing a book is the activity of examining and studying a work, idea or problem in depth to reach conclusions. Likewise, in the hadiths, you can find many prophetic hadiths related to education (the goals of education). The position of hadith in Islamic religious education is the basis and foundation for the concept, framework and design of Islamic religious education considering that hadith provide more concrete reasons regarding the application of various activities that must be developed in Muslim life. Thus, the author will outline the discussion regarding "Aims of Education in the Hadith".</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Deni Hazmi, Ahmad Azhar, Mhd Farizal Fadly, Zulfahmi Lubis, Muhammad Basri Ecobrick dalam Meningkatkan Kesadaran Lingkungan di Kalangan Generasi Muda Desa Jaharun B Kec. Galang2024-12-08T00:33:50+00:00Farid Zaki Zein SitumeangMaulidah485@gmail.comFarhan Al-Fath GirsangMaulidah485@gmail.comLisa ApridayantiMaulidah485@gmail.comMaulida HasanahMaulidah485@gmail.comSiti Humairohsiti@gmail.comDahlia<p><em>The waste problem is something that is very familiar, especially in Indonesia where a large population produces large volumes of waste. It is feared that the recent increasing use of plastic in daily life will have a bad impact, because plastic is non-organic waste that is difficult to decompose. Ecobricks are a technique for processing plastic waste which is converted into environmentally friendly materials or also called environmentally friendly bricks. The problem of plastic waste also occurs in Jaharun B Village, Galang District, Deli Serdang Regency, thus encouraging KKN students to recycle plastic waste through ecobric. This activity was carried out by KKN students at Al-Wasliyah Muslim Nusantara University with the aim of helping the community, especially the younger generation, in processing waste in facing the problem of inorganic waste in their environment into a new environmentally friendly material. This activity was carried out with the community, especially teenagers from Jaharun B Village, Galang District, Deli Serdang Regency on 20 July-1 August 2024. The results that will be obtained from implementing this ecobrick are that the people of Jaharun B Village, Galang District will have more in-depth knowledge about plastic, about its dangers. , the impact on the environment whether fast or slow, and how to overcome these problems.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Farid Zaki Zein Situmeang, Farhan Al-Fath Girsang, Lisa Apridayanti, Maulida Hasanah, Siti Humairoh, Dahlia Sirait Dampak Kecanduan Media Sosial terhadap Kesehatan Mental Remaja di Kalangan Generasi Z di UNIMED 2024-12-08T20:54:08+00:00Syairal Fahmy Puspa Hendrani Nasutionhenny.puspa3667@gmail.comMhd Fadhlan Hawarifadlanhawari01@gmail.comM. Raflie Alhadimrafliealhadii@gmail.comYohanes Febrian Silalahiyohanessilalahi72@gmail.comYosa Steven Perangin<p><em>This study aims to explore the impact of social media addiction on the mental health of Generation Z adolescents at Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED). Using a qualitative approach through literature review and in-depth interviews, this research involved three students from the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Faculty of Sport Science as respondents. The research findings show that UNIMED students spend more than 4 hours every day using social media such as Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Telegram, and WhatsApp. This excessive use of social media has a negative impact on three main aspects: (1) psychological health, which includes notification stress and a tendency to overthink, (2) social interaction, where face-to-face communication becomes less quality and awkward, and (3) mental health, including disturbed sleep patterns, anxiety, and emotional exhaustion. This study also found that although social media makes communication easier, its uncontrolled use can damage the mental well-being of Generation Z students at UNIMED.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Syairal Fahmy Dalimunthe, Henny Puspa Hendrani Nasution, Mhd Fadhlan Hawari, M. Raflie Alhadi, Yohanes Febrian Silalahi, Yosa Steven Perangin Angin Digitalisasi dan Legalitas Usaha terhadap Penjualan Produk di Desa Cisantana2024-12-10T02:56:22+00:00Moh Yudi Yanaenceng@gmail.comRifky Akbar Aripinrifky@gmail.comIrwansyah Munandarirwan@gmail.comParah<p><em>Digitalization of marketing in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is one of the important factors in marketing in the digital era. But in fact, many MSME business actors still do not have insight or understanding regarding digitalization marketing for their product marketing media. This problem is still a study of the problems of MSME business actors in Cisantana village, which results in the scope of marketing of MSME products in this village being very narrow. In addition, the lack of understanding regarding the importance of business legality for MSMEs is also still a major problem for MSMEs in developing their businesses. This can be overcome by socialization and training to provide understanding to business actors regarding the importance of marketing digitalization and business legality. With this activity, it is hoped that MSME business actors can be more productive in developing their businesses, especially in the field of product marketing and MSME actors can be more aware of the importance of business actors completing their business legality. The output of this service activity is that MSMEs are more developed by following the times, namely marketing through digital marketing and having complete licensing.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Moh Yudi Mahadianto, Enceng Yana, Rifky Akbar Aripin, Irwansyah Munandar, Parah Maulady dan Implementasi Chatbot Pelayanan Masyarakat Berbasis Dialogflow di Kelurahan Gebang Putih Surabaya2024-12-17T21:25:26+00:00Nailussa’ada Nailussa’ Yudo Ampuh Septiani Maharani Syaffa Khoirunnisaasysyaffak@gmail.comWildan Maulana Akbar Alfaqihwmaaf1311@gmail.comAdam Ghazy Al<p><em>Residents of Gebang Putih, Surabaya, often face challenges in accessing administrative information, such as procedures for creating ID cards, updating family data, and registering for marriage. To address these issues, a chatbot based on Dialogflow was developed and integrated with the Telegram platform and a mobile application called Kagapi. This study included data collection from official government websites, interviews with local office staff, and dataset preparation for chatbot training. The results showed that the chatbot achieved a 92% accuracy rate in understanding and responding to user queries, with an average response time of 2-3 seconds. Integration with the mobile application expanded service features, including online queue management. Testing and evaluation by local office staff and residents indicated that the chatbot improved information accessibility and service efficiency by up to 80%. This chatbot demonstrates the potential to serve as an innovative solution in enhancing public service transparency and accessibility.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nailussa’ada Nailussa’ada, Hero Yudo Martono, Andhik Ampuh Yunanto, Prasetyo Wibowo, Dian Septiani Santoso, Ira Prasetyaningrum, Fitrah Maharani Humaira, Asy Syaffa Khoirunnisa, Wildan Maulana Akbar Alfaqih, Adam Ghazy Al Falah Modular Smart PJU di Daerah Keputih Surabaya2024-12-18T20:49:17+00:00Mochamad Mobed Kurnianto Sandi<p> </p> <p><em>Street lighting is an important aspect of village infrastructure that affects the safety and mobility of the community. However, many villages still rely on manual systems to manage street lighting, causing inefficiencies in energy management and uncertainty in the availability of adequate lighting. The implementation of Smart PJU technology offers a solution to improve the efficiency, control, and monitoring of street lighting. However, the adoption of this technology is hampered by funding constraints and the availability of adequate devices. This study aims to develop and implement Smart PJU technology in Keputih Village, Indonesia, by involving collaboration between the Computer Engineering Study Program of PENS, village officials, and the local community. The resulting product, namely the Smart PJU Modular Device using Wireless technology, not only includes hardware for monitoring and controlling PJU lights, but also provides added value through increasing the level of domestic content (TKDN) and developing research in the Internet of Things (IoT). With this product, it has provided significant benefits to the people of Keputih Village, thus supporting and improving the quality of village infrastructure, as well as encouraging participation in the development of sustainable technology. Through this community service, the Keputih Village Community has obtained a practical solution to the problem of public street lighting and spurred innovation at the local level. Smart PJU has been installed on the PJU lights in the Keputih five-way intersection area and in front of the Keputih Village entrance. Smart PJU has been integrated with the website, where it can be monitored online whether the PJU lights are on or not, the voltage and current values that flow, and allows you to control the lights remotely.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mochamad Mobed Bachtiar, Iwan Kurnianto Wibowo, Bayu Sandi Marta, Fernando Ardilla Pemerintah Kabupaten Sumedang dalam Penanganan dan Penanggulangan Masalah Stunting di Kabupaten Sumedang2024-12-20T23:34:41+00:00Allyah Nur Diasyifa Auliya<p>Stunting is a developmental disorder that occurs in children. This usually occurs when children are chronically malnourished during the child's growth period. Usually children who get symptoms of stunting will look proportional, but when children affected by stunting are next to children of the same age, children affected by stunting will look shorter or smaller. Even so, children who look short or small do not necessarily suffer from stunting. Children with stunting will experience poor growth and development, not only from their height that looks short, but the child's intelligence will also weaken, there will be interference when speaking, and it will be difficult when the child learns later; besides that, their immunity is classified as lower, which will be easily exposed to viruses and bacteria. The purpose of this study is to understand how the intervention of the Sumedang Regency government, especially the Health Office, Social Service, and DPPKBP3A of Sumedang Regency, contributes to handling and overcoming stunting cases in Sumedang Regency. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method and literature study. The results of the research obtained are various information about the prevention and handling of stunting carried out by various related fields, both in the Health Office, Social Service, and DPPKBP3A, then the efforts and challenges faced by the agencies, and the most important thing is the source of funds in the framework of handling and overcoming stunting in Sumedang Regency. So it can be concluded that these agencies have an important role to deal with the problem of stunting and reduce the stunting rate in the Sumedang district in various ways.</p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Allyah Nur Rahmani, Syaira Diasyifa Herlambang, Najwa Auliya Syarifah, Iyep Saefulrahman Media Pembelajaran Toys Painting by Number Bermuatan Budaya Lokal Malang sebagai Upaya Stimulasi Motorik Halus Anak Usia Dini TK Laboratorium UM2024-12-22T01:08:34+00:00Vania Callista<p><em>The development of local culture-based learning media is one of the strategic efforts to support early childhood development. This study aims to analyze the conditions and needs, develop and test the Toys Painting by Number learning media containing local Malang culture as an effort to stimulate fine motor skills of early childhood in the Laboratory Kindergarten, State University of Malang. The study used the ADDIE development method (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and expert validation questionnaires. Data analysis techniques consist of quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of validation by material experts showed a feasibility level of 83%, while media expert validation reached 92%, both of which were in the very feasible category. The practicality test showed a positive response from students with an average score of 85%, which indicates that this media is interesting, easy to use, and practical in training fine motor skills and introducing local culture. This learning media is expected to be an innovative reference in the development of integrative and culture-based early childhood education.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Vania Callista Joevanka, Iriaji Iriaji Peran Mekah dalam Dinamika Kebudayaan Islam di Nusantara: Studi Komperatif2024-12-30T00:51:00+00:00Ahmad Rifaira92669973@gmail.comIrhamni Sabil Abdillahirhamnisabil12@gmail.comFaiz Fikri Al Arumaqilatunarum71@gmail.comSiti Alifah Ailatun<p><em>This research uses a historical and comparative approach to determine changes in the role of Mecca in the dynamics of Islamic culture in the archipelago. Mecca, the holy city of Muslims, is not only a spiritual center and symbol of unity, but also plays a strategic role in spreading Islamic values and is popular in various parts of the world, including the archipelago in the formation of Islamic cultural identity. This study focuses on the mechanisms for the spread of Islam through various channels such as trade, bi al-har da'wah, marriage, education, and cultural acculturation which allows Islam to be widely accepted in the archipelago without any coercion. In addition, theories regarding the origins of the Islamic invasion of Indonesia, such as the Meccan, Gujarati, Persian and Chinese theories, are evaluated to understand the diversity of origins and processes of Islamization. The important role of Islamic scholars and kingdoms such as the Sultanate of Demak, Cirebon, and Banten in strengthening the spread of Islam in the region is also analyzed. This research shows that Mecca as the center of Islamic civilization has a significant influence on religious practices in the archipelago and the formation of the character of local Islamic culture, including the direction of worship centered on the Kaaba. The results of this research show that although the role of Mecca in the dynamics of Islamic culture in the archipelago continues to change, the universal Islamic values of Mecca remain relevant in responding to current challenges and in various Islamic cultures guarantee continuity cultural diversity of the archipelago.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Rifai, Irhamni Sabil Abdillah, Faiz Fikri Al Fahmi, Aqilatun Arum, Siti Alifah Ailatun Nasuha Yuridis Mengenai Itikad Buruk dalam Tindak Pidana Penipuan dan Hubungannya dengan Wanprestasi dalam Sengketa Hutang Piutang2024-12-30T23:24:43+00:00Khairul Umamkhairulumam250394@gmail.comM. Nur Prasetiyo Adikhairulumam250394@gmail.comRizki Yuda Pratamakhairulumam250394@gmail.comThoriq<p><em>This study aims to analyze the juridical aspects regarding bad faith related to the element of fraud in the context of accounts payable cases. Default, which is a failure to fulfill a debt payment obligation, often raises the question whether the act can also be considered fraud if it is done in bad faith. The method used in this research is literature study and normative analysis of the relevant laws and regulations, namely the Criminal Code (KUHP) and other regulations related to accounts payable. In this study, the elements of criminal acts of fraud such as deception, use of deception, or falsification of documents will be analyzed in the context of bad faith in default cases. The results of this study indicate that to fulfill the elements of a criminal act of fraud, there is a need to prove that the perpetrator has bad faith, namely the intention to deceive or mislead other parties. However, in the context of default in accounts payable cases, there are considerations that must be considered. One is the difference between inability and unwillingness to pay debts. Impairment caused by valid reasons or difficult economic circumstances cannot be considered as bad faith.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Khairul Umam, M. Nur Prasetiyo Adi, Rizki Yuda Pratama, Thoriq Hidayatullah Kenakalan Remaja melalui Kolaborasi Antara Peran Pendidikan dan Orang Tua2024-12-30T23:25:55+00:00Risqomah Risqomahrisqomahkokom@gmail.comHanifah Muslimahhanifahm221@gmail.comAhmad Mudrikmudrikkdw@gmail.comRefki Safitrirefkisafitri@gmail.comZachroha<p><em>Juvenile delinquency is a social phenomenon that includes various deviant behaviors carried out by adolescents, such as brawls, theft, drug use, and other violations of social norms. This study aims to identify the causes, impacts, and prevention efforts for juvenile delinquency. Factors that influence juvenile delinquency include internal aspects, such as low self-control and unstable emotions, as well as external aspects, such as peer influence, ineffective parenting patterns, and an unsupportive social environment. The impact of juvenile delinquency involves physical, emotional, and social losses for both the adolescents themselves and the wider community. Effective prevention efforts involve a holistic approach, namely cooperation between families, schools, communities, and the government. Moral education, strengthening the role of the family, social supervision, and providing positive activities for adolescents are strategic steps that can be implemented. In addition, policies are needed that support adolescent development, such as rehabilitation programs and skills training. This study concludes that handling juvenile delinquency requires synergy from various parties to create an environment that supports the development of adolescents into responsible individuals who contribute positively to society.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Risqomah Risqomah, Hanifah Muslimah, Ahmad Mudrik, Refki Safitri, Zachroha Salsabilla Kompetensi Guru dengan Pemahaman Literasi Hukum di SMPN 4 Tambun Selatan2025-01-01T05:45:11+00:00Nining Yurista<p><em>Quality education not only involves mastery of academic material but also understanding the norms, laws, and ethics that prevail in society. One important factor in achieving this goal is the role of teachers as agents of change in educating the future generation. Community service discusses the importance of improving teachers' competencies through understanding legal literacy, as well as its impact on better classroom management and teaching. Legal literacy has become a crucial skill for teachers to ensure that they can manage legal issues in the educational environment more effectively. This service also discusses various strategies and approaches to enhance legal literacy among educators.</em></p>2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nining Yurista Prawitasari, Akbar Sayudi, Erna Apriani Konsumsi Rokok pada Remaja Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 28 Tahun 2024 (Studi di Kota Langsa)2025-01-20T03:36:20+00:00Radhali<p><em>Cigarette consumption among teenagers has become a trend in itself, causing them to forget about health. This problem in the regulations for controlling addictive substances in tobacco products as contained in Government Regulation (PP) Number 28 of 2024 concerning Implementing Regulations of Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health is in the public spotlight. In particular, regulations regarding retail cigarette sales, restrictions on cigarette advertising, and health warnings on cigarette packaging have been regulated in accordance with the norms of Article 434 paragraph (1). In this PKM activity, carrying out cigarette consumption literacy among teenagers in Langsa City aims to increase teenagers' knowledge about the dangers of consuming cigarettes and regulations regarding the prohibition of consuming cigarettes for teenagers in Langsa City, as well as encouraging teenagers to protect their health from the dangers of consuming cigarettes. In this way, teenagers in Langsa City are expected to be aware of the importance of maintaining health and regulating cigarette consumption for teenagers in Langsa City.</em></p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Radhali Radhali, Hanri Aldino, Muhammad Iqbal, Zaki Ulya Bisnis dengan Konsep Kewirausahaan Sosial pada Perajin Kain Cepuk di Desa Tanglad Nusa Penida2025-01-21T00:17:57+00:00Ni Luh Gde Ana<p><em>Woven fabric is a cultural heritage that has existed for hundreds of years and continues to develop to this day, becoming a symbol of pride and regional identity. Cepuk fabric craftsmen in Tanglad Village are part of a community that produces traditional fabrics with skills that have existed for a long time. The existence of cepuk fabric craftsmen in Tanglad Village not only reflects the preservation of local culture, but is also the main source of livelihood for many families in the village. Cepuk fabric craftsmen in Tanglad Village, Nusa Penida, have great potential to develop and provide a positive impact on the local community. However, they often face various challenges, such as limitations in financial management, marketing, and development of production capacity. So it takes an understanding and awareness of the importance of doing business planning and bookkeeping. The methods used are observation methods, presentations with powerpoint and training with books and Google Drive face-to-face or offline. This community service activity is carried out with a door-to-door system, aiming that the material is delivered according to the desired target. The results obtained from this community service activity are to make Cepuk Weaving craftsmen increasingly aware of the importance of bookkeeping for their business, and to be able to increase the desire to learn simple bookkeeping so that their business finances can be better controlled. Overall, social entrepreneurship-based business assistance provides double benefits, namely improving the economic welfare of Cepuk weaving craftsmen while supporting the preservation of culture and the environment.</em></p>2025-01-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ni Luh Gde Ana Pertiwi Pembelajaran Public Speaking bagi Finalis Duta Seni Budaya Indonesia2025-01-22T00:17:12+00:00Desak Putu Putri<p><em>The aim of this service is to provide assistance in public speaking learning for finalists of Indonesian Arts and Culture Ambassadors in order to improve their communication and presentation skills. As representatives of Indonesian culture, the finalists are expected to be able to convey cultural messages confidently and effectively on various occasions. This mentoring activity is carried out through a series of training which includes basic public speaking techniques, mastery of material, and development of public speaking skills. The methods used are interactive training, simulation and continuous evaluation. The results of this activity showed a significant increase in the public speaking skills of the finalists, both in terms of mastery of the material, speaking techniques, and their appearance in front of the audience. It is hoped that this assistance can make a positive contribution in improving the quality and credibility of the finalists for the Indonesian Arts and Culture Ambassadors in promoting the richness of Indonesian arts and culture at the national and international levels.</em></p>2025-01-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Desak Putu Putri Maharani