Current Issue
Journal of Vision and Ideas (VISA) is a scientific journal for the academic community of universities and research institutions with a scope covering research results, studies, thoughts, and ideas related to visions and solutions to various problems in the economic, social, educational, communication, science and environmental fields. Initially, it was published twice every June and December. Starting 2022, it will be published three times every April, August and December. E-ISSN 2809-2058 P-ISSN 2809-2643. VISA was Accredited Sinta 5 (SK Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi No 79/E/KPT/2023 (page 170) 4 start from Vol 1 No 2 2021 to Vol 6 No 1 2026.
Genetika Dasar Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar dari Hereditas Manusia
Abstract View: 15,
Peran Hukum Adat Melayu dalam Penataan Masyarakat Multikultural di Kota Medan
Abstract View: 15,
Sejarah dan Arsitektur Masjid Jami As-Syakirin Deli Tua Masa Kolonial
Abstract View: 23,
Peran Sanitasi dalam Proses Produksi dan Penyajian Makanan
Abstract View: 7,
Memperkuat Eksistensi Hukum Adat Melayu di Melayu di Kabupaten Batu Bara
Abstract View: 19,
Kinerja Akbar Khan (1556-1605 M) dalam Memimpin Dinasti Mugholdi India
Abstract View: 12,
Peran Bawaslu Kota Surabaya dalam Mencegah Pelanggaran Pilkada Serentak 2024
Abstract View: 16,
Mediasi Perceraian dalam Tinjauan Hukum pada Pengadilan Agama
Abstract View: 12,
Kajian Perilaku Pengguna Taman Kota di Kabupaten Blitar
Abstract View: 11,
Pengaruh Pendidikan Gizi terhadap Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Stunting
Abstract View: 2,
VISA: Journal of Vision and Ideas is a scientific journal for the academic community of universities and research institutions with a scope covering the results of research, studies, thoughts and ideas related to vision and solutions to various problems in the economic, social, educational, communication, and science fields. knowledge and environment. Journal of Vision and Ideas (VISA) is a peer-reviewed national journal published by the Laa Roiba Bogor National Islamic Institute (IAI-N) in collaboration with the Sharia Economic Society (MES) and the Intellectual Association for Islamic Studies (IAFORIS). ). It will be published three times every April, August and December. Starting from Volume 1 Number 1 to Volume 4 Number 1 of 2024 published on the website with the URL https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/visa. Starting from Volume 4 Number 1 2024 onwards it will be published with the URL https://journal-laaroiba.com/ojs/index.php/visa. E-ISSN 2809-2058P-ISSN 2809-2643. VISA was Accredited Sinta 5 (SK Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi No 79/E/KPT/2023 (page 170) 4 start from Vol 1 No 2 2021 to Vol 6 No 1 2026. Before 2024, the publication of this journal is on the website https://journal.laaroiba.com/index.php/visa